How to control the volume of curly and curly hair? Nina Gabriella and Lucas Camilla give tips

How to control the volume of curly and curly hair? Nina Gabriella and Lucas Camilla give tips
Resultado de imagem para Como controlar o volume de cabelo encaracolado e encaracolado? Nina Gabriella e Lucas Camilla dão dicas
We love bulky hair! And you, my friend? Do not you like it that much? No problem, after all the Stay Diva is democratic and has hint for everyone! If you're a team that prefers the most lined and well-defined threads, the most ambitious ambassadors Nina Gabriella and Camilla de Lucas give you a helping hand and tell you the nonsense tricks for you to tear. Play the video!

If you prefer that your straight hair more aligned or your curls have more definition and less volume, then you need to caprichar in the hydration of the wires. And it's not with any mask, no, diva! It has to be the most nutritious versions, which contain oil in the composition. Thus, your locks will be more hydrated and less bulky.

To help you, you can use Niely Gold's Powerful Nutrition Concentrated Mask, as oil is what's missing in this pot! It has argan oil, coconut oil, olive, macadamia and linseed oil. Is it to use once a week, combined?

Weekly hydration is a treatment that all divas should do, especially for those who want to minimize frizz and hair volume. However, for the curly and crescents that love well-defined curls, screening is the perfect technique.

For those who do not yet know, just follow the following steps: as wet and washed hair, divide it into sections and apply the cream to comb in each wick. The finer the wicks, the more defined they become. Do this throughout your hair and let it dry naturally without moving.

In addition to the combing cream, another mara finisher to lessen the frizz of the hair is the silicone. And because it's compact, you can carry it in your bag and use it all day long. The ideal is to pass it just on the length and ends, okay, diva?

And there are many more tips like our ambassadors Nina Gabriella and Lucas Camilla, but you will only find out after we watch the full video. Do not forget to also leave your like and follow the Stay Diva in all social networks!
